Skateboard Tricks: How To Backside 180 Ollie - Skateboard Guide Skateboard Guide. "

Monday 8 June 2009

Skateboard Tricks: How To Backside 180 Ollie

The backside 180 is exactly the same as the front side 180 except you spin the opposite way, i.e. with you back facing towards your landing. You should attempt this trick with your back foot in the center of the kick and your front foot slightly above the center of the deck, slightly closer to the heel edge.

This is where all the difficulty comes in. Okay, roll forward at a moderate speed, (this trick is very hard to do standing still or going slow so move with a bit of pace). Start to ollie as you would normally but as you snap down the kick and drag your front foot up, move your back foot around 180 degrees. When you drag your front foot up you should also drag it across the board, helping the rotation. Thus both your feet are working together in rotating the board. Use your feet together, land and roll away.

Sounds easy eh? The trick is to keep your back foot on the board whilst rotating. To do this some skaters Ollie at an angle to make it easier but I've found it's easier to go big and rotate slowly around. If you don't make 180 degrees that's cool just lean to fakie and if you ride with loose trucks (like me) you'll make it. This is one of those tricks which looks and sounds easy but ain't. It's also the basis for the backside 180 kick flip.

How to Backside 180 Ollie Illustration

How To Backside 180 Ollie

1. Before learning how to 180 ollie, you must know how to ollie! Set up your feet as you would for an ollie. As you step up for the backside180 ollie, wind up your upper body in the opposite direction you want to spin. Have your forward arm cross in front of your body.

2. As you start to pop your board, unwind your upper body and begin to spin 180 degrees in the opposite direction. So just turn your shoulders in the backside direction as you pop the tail.

3. As your front foot drags across the board, spin it 180 degrees in the backside direction to turn the board with you. As you spin 180 degrees in the air, keep your body over your board. Stay centered while you spin in the air.

4. You will land facing the opposite direction, rolling backwards. Be careful not to lean forward or back too much because this will cause the board to shoot out from under you.

5. Bend you knees when you land and ride away!

How To Backside 180 Ollie Video Tutorial: