Skateboard Guide: How to 360 Flip - Skateboard Guide Skateboard Guide. "

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Skateboard Guide: How to 360 Flip

Intermediate Flatground Skateboard Trick Tips. The 360 flip is what you might call a "compound trick" because it actually combines two tricks, the kickflip and the 360 shove-it. To do a 360 flip, you should position your front foot like you would for a kickflip, with your toe slid back toward the heel-edge of the board. Your rear foot should be positioned with your toe on the opposite corner of the board, namely the toe-edge of the tail. The 360 flip is probably one of the most popular street skating moves, and has become a staple of the average street skater’s repertoire. For the uninitiated, a 360 flip is basically a skateboarding trick where you manipulate the board with your feet so that it does a 360-degree rotation while doing a lengthwise flip as well. Aside from being one of the coolest looking tricks around, it’s also a great entry trick into other moves (360 flip to nosegrind, 360 flip to manual, etc.). This article will give you some helpful tips on how to perform a 360 flip on a skateboard.

How to 360 Flip Ilustration

How to 360 Flip

1. Place your back foot on the upper edge of your tail with your toes hanging off. This is so you can get a good scoop. You want to place your front foot in the center of the board at a 45 degree angle, with your heel hanging off.

2. Bend your knees a little to prepare for the trick. Make sure you're balanced.

3. Pop up and scoop with your back foot. When I saw scoop, I mean sweep your foot across the ground and quickly pull it behind you, to make the board spin.

4. At the same time, jump and flick out your front foot to get the board flipping. You don't have to give a huge kick; a gentle flick will do.

5. Suck up your legs to give the board some room to spin.

6. If the board moves away from you; jump in that direction. You want to remain over your board at all times.

7. When the board has spun and flipped all the way around, stomp on the bolts to catch it. Bend your knees when you land to absorb the impact.

8. Ride away with a huge grin on your face.

How to 360 Flip Tips

1. The most important part in learning how to 360 flip is scooping the board. You really want to scoop as hard as you can to get the board to spin all the way.

2. If your board flips too much, or not enough, simply give more or less of a flick with your front foot.

3. If you have trouble staying over the board during the flip, just jump with it while you’re in the air.

How to 360 Flip Video Tutorial: