Skateboard Guide: How to Nosegrind - Skateboard Guide Skateboard Guide. "

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Skateboard Guide: How to Nosegrind

Beginner Slides & Grinds Skateboard Trick Tips. The nosegrind is a fairy simple trick, and is very similar to the 5-0 grind, they are the same except you are grinding on your front truck (either frontside or backside), as opposed to your back truck. There is a little bit of confusion between the nosegrind and the crooked grind, so read carefully and you should understand the difference. Learning a nosegrind, also called a frontside nosegrind, takes balance and speed. It is an advanced skateboarding maneuver where you grind your front truck along a curb or a block in a skate park. You must have knowledge of basic moves before attempting this trick.
How to Nosegrind illustration

How to Nosegrind
1. Find a good sized ledge, rain or curb to practice on. Make sure it’s not too high and the surface is smooth enough
Approach your target, with your feet set up in an ollie position. You should approach at no more than a 45 degree angle at a moderate speed
2. Be sure to keep your eyes on the target, and know exactly where you want to jump onto.
3. Pop your board into a clean ollie and shift your weight to your front foot. As you land, only your front truck should be touching the object you're grinding on. You are basically doing a nose manual while in a grind.
4. Bend your knees slightly as you land on to your target and stay balanced throughout the nosegrind.
5. To land, you could either use your hips to give a little push off, or do a slight nollie and pop the board off.
6. Land, absorb the impact by bending your knees, and ride away.
How to Nosegrind Video Tutorial: