Skateboard Guide: How to Boardslide - Skateboard Guide Skateboard Guide. "

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Skateboard Guide: How to Boardslide

Beginner Slides & Grinds Skateboard Trick. The boardslide is the easiest rail trick to learn.Head toward the rail at about a 40-30 degree angle.Ollie,but as you ollie do a 90 degree turn on to the rail.If the board isn't sliding well in some places lean backward slightly so you get a smoother slide.If it is really slippery lean foward for a smoother slide.As you near the end of the rail slowly unweight your front foot and slowly turn in the way you want to land and ride away clean. Boardslides are versatile - they are an easy skateboarding trick to tweak and add to. Before you learn how to boardslide, you should know how to ollie while moving.

How to Boardslide Illustration

  1. Get some courage and ride up at a 45 degree angle to the rail.
  2. Ollie up (just high enough to have the nose of your board clear the rail) and turn your shoulders to get the nose of the board over the rail
  3. Bend your knees as you jump up.
  4. Once your nose is over the rail land flat in the middle of the board and slide along.
  5. On the rail, focus on the end and keep your balance by keeping your knees bent and leaning back slightly.
  6. To dismount the rail, shift your weight to your tail as you swing your upper body around to face forward.
  7. Roll away. Now you have done a boardslide.
  8. Maybe if you fall you will get hurt

How to Boardslide Video Tutorial: