Skateboard Guide: How to Backslide Flip - Skateboard Guide Skateboard Guide. "

Monday 15 June 2009

Skateboard Guide: How to Backslide Flip

A backside flip or backside 180 kickflip, is a combination between a kickflip and a 180 ollie. It is one of the nicest looking flip tricks and can be seen in almost any skateboard video. In order to do a backside kickflip, a skateboarder needs to put as much swing into the trick as possible. Do a backside kickflip with tips from a sponsored skateboarder in this free video on skateboarding tricks.

How to backside Flip illustration

How to Backside Flip

1. Begin by rolling at a comfortable speed.

2. Set up your feet by placing our front foot as you would for a kickflip, with your foot at a 45 degree angle behind the front bolts. Have your back foot on the tail, with the center of your back foot on the center of the tail. Your toes should be hanging off a little bit.

3. As you bend you knees, being to wind your shoulders as you would for a backside 180 ollie.

4. As you pop, unwind your shoulders and pop up the board, giving it as little backside scoop. Your body should also be spinning in the backside direction.

5. At the same tip, jump up and give a gentle flick with your front foot, dragging it up and towards the corner, as you would for a kickflip. Be sure to suck up your feet!

6. When you have spun 90 degrees, the board should have finished flipping. Catch the board on the bolts.

7. Spin the rest of the 180 degrees using your hips and feet. You’ll want to quickly spin your legs 90 degrees after you catch the board.

8. Land and bend your knees to absorb the impact. Smile and ride away.

How to Backslide Flip Video Tutorial